Bed Race

1pm Saturday

To Benefit Teresa House, Lima Ambulance & HFL FISH

Lima Veterinary Center – Thank you for sponsoring the 2025 Bed Race!

This is the famous and historic Lima CrossRoads Festival Bed Race that is viewed by hundreds of spectators every year!

$300 First Place

$100 Second Place

$50 Third Place

Use this as your company/organization team building event this summer!


  • The ‘bed’ must have wheels (no specific number of wheels – Rental beds are available)
  • The ‘bed’ must have 2 sheets and a pillow with pillow case
  • The ‘bed’ must have a teddy bear
  • 5 person team ‐ one on/in bed to shoot baskets and four pushing

Race Course

  1. Start Line ‐ Wait for the air horn to go
  2. Race to the basketball hoop ‐ 5 Chances to Score
  3. Race to the “Jug Filling” with the Bedpan
  4. Fill the jug wait for the signal to go from judge
  5. Race to the finish line


Your Bed
Our Bed
$50 $75
  • Must Register by 8/01/2025 at 12:00 noon at the Town Hall front steps.
  • Limited to 15 team entries.
  • 501c3 Organizations can race for free, but will not be eligible for prize money but can receive a trophy.

The Lima Crossroads Festival is presented and operated by the Lima Crossroads Council, Inc. a non-for-profit organization.