Lima Rib Cook-Off

Date: Sunday, August 4, 2024

Lima Fire Department parking lot located across from Fanatics.
Any combustible fuel source, wood, charcoal, pellets, propane, etc. No electric.

7:00-9:00 am check in and meat inspection
9:15 am cooks meeting
10:00 am festival opens to public
4:00 pm rib turn-in
5:00 pm (Approximately) Awards Presentation. Location (to be determined)

All prep and cooking must be done on-site, ribs must be cryo-packed or in original purchased packaging. No pre-rubbed or marinated ribs allowed. All meat must be kept at 40 degrees or below prior to cooking.

9 x 9 container will be provided. Will be handed out at cooks meeting.

Entries will have open edible garnish.

All entries must consist of at least six identifiable pieces.

Cook’s meeting is Sunday morning at 9:15 am in the judge’s area (to be determined)

There will be prizes for the top three finishers.

Sites will be 10’ x 20’ $40.00. Checks made payable to Lima Crossroads Council

You must fit in your designated space.

Water is available for free (you must provide hoses and “y” connectors).

Electricity will be available for light general use only. Please bring 100’ of extension cord or more and outdoor rated power strips for your electrical hookup. Hookup of generators, refrigerators, deep fryers, AC units and other appliances are not allowed.

Trash will be removed regularly by event staff, do not put in trash barrels placed for use for festival guests. Trash cannot accumulate at team sites. Gray water, ashes and grease must be disposed of in designated collection areas. This rule will be strictly enforced, and will keep the contest area clean. Please keep the area clean so we can continue to use it!

Each site will be inspected for proper sanitation and meat temperature. Each site shall bring their own working fire extinguisher. Proper storage of meat is required. Meat must be maintained below 40F or above 140F. Proper handling of food is required.

Sanitizing of work area should be implemented with the use of a bleach/water rinse (one cap/gallon of water). Each contestant will provide a separate container for washing, rinsing and sanitizing of utensils.

After cooking, all meat: Must be held at 140° F or above or cooled as follows: Within 2 hours from 140° F to 70° F and within 4 hours from 70° F to 41° F or less.

Modified KCBS judging rules. Official rules will be presented at or just prior to the start of the competition.

The Lima Crossroads Festival is presented and operated by the Lima Crossroads Council, Inc. a non-for-profit organization.